Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Sunday Evening

Tonight we come to an end of a good Lord's day. We gathered in obedience to our Lord's command today and enjoyed being where He has chosen to place His Name. We swam in the ocean of Divine truth. His dealings with His servant Elijah occupied our thoughts. What a wonderful God who can and does control all things by the word of His power. He created and holds together the vast universe(s) whose boundaries we have not been able to determine and yet controls the very timing of the steps of His prophet and a poor needy widow woman so that they meet at precisely the right moment. He will meet the woman's deepest needs and use her to sustain the man He has chosen for the needs of the hour for His wayward people. And to know that He is as interested in the needs and development of His children today as He ever has been.

We will end the day listening to a message centered on His meeting the deep needs of another woman: the woman at the well. Our Saviour must go through Samaria. He will save this woman from her sins! I am so thankful that every conversion is a Divine appointment and that each one who is saved is shown their need of a Saviour and is shown the Lord Jesus as the only sufficient one to save His people from their sins.

May His blessings pour upon us daily until we see Him face to face! I need thee every hour!

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